Conor Cupples in “Smashed” – a virtual tour of Northern Irish schools

Conor Cupples is appearing in a virtual production of Collingwood Learning’s “Smashed”, touring schools across Northern Island. 

Collingwood created the Smashed Project, a theatre-in-education programme which includes a powerful theatre presentation, interactive workshop, video based online resources and robust evaluation.

The performance tells the story of three teenagers whose use of alcohol affects them in different ways, impacting their relationships, school life, mental and physical health, and aspirations. The story culminates in a tragic accident.

In the UK the project has reached over 350,000 12 and 13-year-old students across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. Evaluation shows a 30% increase in awareness of the key dangers of underage drinking and unanimous support from teachers.

Such is the success of Smashed in the UK, Collingwood are now working with governments, industry, and creative partners around the world and The Smashed Project will be delivered in 15 countries to over 300,000 young people this year alone on six continents.